Tuesday 8 April 2014

What I'm Currently Working On

I've recently signed up with Mountain Wheel Games, a fairly new games studio who are making an MMO. Quite a big leap into Games Development as MMO's are generally in another league of there own but here I am on the coding side.

The games called Stone Rage and you can from some information on it from Gaming With Noms blog at:

Gaming with Noms

So yeah it's an MMO based around the stone age, three factions so far who battle it out with one another basically. It's a unique idea for an MMO and for once it's nothing at all zombie related. The games industry still think we want Zombie games when most actually done, unfortunately we are caught in the vicious cycle of still buying them so as long as  we are still buying them so regardless of whether we want that genre still is Irrelevant. If we are buying them then as far as the gaming industry is concerned  the consumer wants them and they have no reason to think otherwise.

It won't be competing with the likes of World of Warcraft or other 'AAA MMO titles', it'll be free to play. Whether there will be any micro transactions taking place in game I do not know, I do know that if that happens they won't be required to experience the full level of the game.

There are a lot of people working on this, coders, artists, audio specialists and it's all being done online. Welcome to modern day games developing where you can potentially create a AAA game with the right skilled people without having to leave your home. The game itself is being developed on the CryEngine, so no strictly nancy Unity developers here, and yes I see a difference between a unity developer and a games developer. I personally don't want to get stuck with a bunch of people who only know and are only prepared to work with Unity, it's not the only engine and by gaining experience on engines such as CryEngine and UnrealEngine then that will make me a better developer.

I'm also working on a side project, an indie 2d platformer. Unfortunately I have no details on that yet. It'll probably aim for a steam greenlight release for something like 2.99.
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